Questions to the editor


Maischberger (ravishing chick): There are a lot of unanswered questions when you`re thinking of "The P4". One question is very special for their fans, they are asking you, Mr. BuZzman, as a devoted an honorable friend of these guys: How have they been before, how have they been before their enormous success?


BuZzman: Well, you mean the times I called them friends - the times they were playing in these dirty, stinking holes no one would designate as a concert hall, playing for us earning nothing but a "Thank you". Now, being almost nothing more than some selfish, arrogant jerks, filling Madison Square Garden ten times in a row, I have to admit: I'm still deep in love


Maischberger:What makes 'em different from other funk rock bands? Is it only their music?

BuZzman: Oh, mummy, you must be jokin'! It's not only their music?  Of course it is their music!! It sounds unique, singular, driving you mad and lets things drift away at the same time. Okay, it is also the unique style and their.....BIG SHOW!

Maischberger: So, what do you appreciate personally when you`re meeting them?


BuZzman: They can drink a lot, excess cash, obviously....


Maischberger: But...


BuZzman: ...spent to taste the creamy centers of the hottest pussys in town! You know, music can help a little, sometimes.....


Maischberger: This is obscene!


BuZzman: Well, you asked me how they really are; I told you the facts! Bow Wow!


Maischberger: Mr. BuZzman, kiss my butt!


BuZzman: I'd like to do that, honey!!


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