When the Spanish King educates his Indio

While Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero asks for respect of his office and teaches a lesson on democratic dialogue, King Juan Carlos does not allow Hugo Chavez to insult him further in a very unrespectful: “Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” (¿Por qué no te callas? – ok, no fuck in that sentence ;-) Even Chavez, who recently called US President Bush a son of satan himself, was so surprised that he didn’t know how to respond to this very unroyal attack for several minutes. Fantastic Juan Carlos – just tell it like it is! Do not allow some Indio to insult your crown and your people!And you need to treat the people the way they act – you cannot tolerate the intolerable. What democrats at least find out about the spanish democracy, is that Juan Carlos although saviour and initiator of democracy in spain has become a respected assessor and no longer No.1 in the state of Spain, but a funny uncle in the background. Thank you lord for giving Spain democracy and saves us from the Chavezes of this world!

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