Why Hamburgers are Weapons of Mass Destruction

Well, as you see from the video, this US H-Bomb is a quite scary weapon of mass destruction. But that’s nothing against it’s russian opponent model, the Tsar Bomb (Zar Bomba). Constructed by Andrej Sacharow, it was 4.000 times stronger than the bomb that completely wiped off Hiroshima. Sacharow was so scared of the bomb that it turned him into a dissident and opponent of the CCCP and weapons of mass destruction. Now what connects the H-Bomb to Hamburgers? Good question, difficult answer. Well, a cubicmetre TNT weighs 1.650 kg. If you woud like to achieve the explosion of the Tsar Bomb of 57 megatons with TNT, you would require a cube of TNT that has 326m long sides ( 34,6 Mio. m³). Or, in other terms, that is 14 times the volume and 9 times the weight of the Cheops Pyramide in Gizeh. As we know since Einstein, energy and mass are equivalent to each other (E = mc²). 1 KT (Kiloton TNT) = 1012 cal = 4.184 · 1012 J. An ordinary McDonalds hamburger supplies 250 kcals, which means that the Tsar Bomb is equal to the energy delivered by 228000000000000 (228 trillion) Hamburgers. And you know what? Someday we will have produced so many Hamburgers on this planet, that they are equivalent to the physical energy supplied by an H-Bomb. McDonalds according to its current output will have sold this amount of burgers (57 million tons) in 2107 since their opening in the year 1940. Let’s face it: It is very likely that this corporation managed that 1/1,04700000000000 of the weight of the planet earth are or were once burgers. McDonald’s restaurants are found in 120 countries and territories around the world and serve nearly 54 million customers each day, so you need quite an infrastructure so sell so much crap every day. If one Burger is 10cm wide, you can turn it over 570000 times around the equator, which gives the earth a fatty belt that is 57 km wide and can be seen from moon 100 times better than the chinese wall. Fortunately that stuff rottens too quick to make it really happen, but have a look how it would be if you could make all these burgers explode at once (Video Tsar Bomb). However, the fat and sugar in these trillions of burgers will have caused obesity to 3.8 billion people in such a severe way, that they will die an early sudden death (assuming 30kg of pure fat per citizen make you really fat additionally to the 20kg every healthy human body needs). Therefore I believe it’s fair to assume that Hamburgers are truely weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and a honorary member to the Axis of Evil.

P.S. I will not calculate the amount of global warming methan emitted by the cows to produce 228 trillion meat patties, however, I’m quite sure that Al Gore already uses the figure in his “Global Warming-Cabinett of Horror”-Show. If you are able to forecast the increase of the average global temperature caused by that, you are very good in physics!

P.P.S. If you have a sympathy to mix Wagners Theme “Siegrieds’s Death” with pictures of an Atomic Bomb, this video is just right for you.

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