All posts in Poesie

Politik hat Spielregeln. Der Feind ist die Moral.

Hören Sie mal genau hin: Wer etikettiert Menschen mit Begriffen wie “Lügner”? Was ist Trump vs Biden? Diese Person, oft ein Journalist, sucht keine Wahrheit; er glaubt er hat sie […]

“Blockwart” Böhmermann vs. “Nazi” Tim Kellner: Was ist Verhöhnung, was Satire?

Verhöhnung oder Satire? Was ist im Netz heute noch erlaubt? Der scharfe Umgangston im Netz ist oft wenig witzig. Meme, Hoax und Fakes verbreiten sich schnell und sorgen ebenso für […]

Jellyfish: Halitrephes maasi

Posted this video since I was flabbergasted about nature once again: Nature comes up with things I cannot even imagine. Incredible colours as if it was designed by a computer […]

Rumble in the Jungle – Poems by Ali, the Greatest

“I’ve done something new for this fight. I’ve wrestled with an alligator, I’ve tussled with a whale, I did handcuff lightning, and threw thunder in jail. I’m bad. Last week […]

Wild | Table @ Matterhorn

Utopia #closertonature #wildtable When chancer bite me in 2005, my soul needed hope and an utopia to survive it. I found it in this picture, the backcover of Goldfrapps Utopia […]

Dan Maciuca: Utopian Proximity (2015-2016)

Dan Maciuca: Altitude (2015), 150x130cm, Oil on Canvas, in the collection since 2016 Dan Maciuca: Forgotten District (2015), 150x130cm, Oil on Canvas, in the collection since 2016 Among the painters […]

Haruki Murakami IQ84



One of the rare example in our days of political poetry is Eminems rap on Donald Trump. Powerful piece of art, shown in this video: The Lyrics “It’s the calm […]


The Original Macintosh Team. George Crow (Hardware Diskette), Joanna Hoffmann (Marketing), Burrell Smith (Genius Programmer), Andy Hertzfield (Software Wizard), Bill Atkinson (Chief Developer), Jerry Manock (Designer), Not on the photo: […]


Life at its core is poetry. Truth is like poetry. Truth is hard to grasp. It is elevating, cruel, beautiful, perfect, random, unexpected, horrifying, lovely, sweet. Most people hate poetry. […]